
If you are an adult and are interested in being baptised, please do come and introduce yourself to us at our 10.30am Sunday Service. Revd Emma or Revd Lilian would be delighted to talk with you. Normally adults are baptised after going to church for a while, and when they have made a decision to follow Jesus and be part of the local church family. Baptism as an adult is a really special decision and a special time in your life when you ask for God’s compassion and forgiveness, and ask to be filled with his Holy Spirit. We will be here as a church to support you, pray for you and encourage you in this way of life.

If you are parents and are exploring having your child or children baptised, then we’re here to help you too! Baptisms should normally be in your local parish church, and you can find out your parish church through this link:

Baptising your child is a wonderful way to thank God for their life and to mark the beginning of their Christian journey. During the service, parents and godparents make some special promises to God and to the child. During the service they are asked: 

Will you pray for them,
draw them by your example into the community of faith
and walk with them in the way of Christ?
Will you care for them,
and help them to take their place
within the life and worship of Christ’s Church?

Parents and godparents commit to helping their child know about Jesus and know that they belong not only to their local church, but to the global church! However, you’re not alone in this – we support you and are delighted to help you and your family on this journey of faith. 

For babies and children, our baptism services are normally on the second Sunday in the month at 2pm, and there will be maximum of two families at each service.

If you would like to find out more, please complete this form here

Once you have submitted your form, Rev'd Emma or Rev'd Lilian will be in touch to meet with you and explain about the commitments you and your godparents will make for your child/children and to go through the service with you. It is at this point that we can book a date for the service.

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